Meet the Boastful & Bright Nika Gocha!

Nika Gocha is a Los Angeles native and started her FIDM journey as a Product Development major. Post graduating with her Associates degree in 2011, she went on to study Communications with a focus in New Media at Southern New Hampshire University. Today she has taken all her creative talents to the biggest online platforms, social media. As a Media Influencer she began to market something she was passionate about. Using her beautiful vibrant hair, she formed her own brand image to inspire others.
She has grown a following on Instagram and YouTube where she demonstrates her hair journey, with her personal at home tips and hair care regimen. Her go to style is a twist out, rocking her natural mane of healthy, bouncy coils. Her hair maintenance involves pre-pooing, deep conditioning, staying away from heat and trimming periodically. She hopes to inspire, encourage, and motivate young women like herself to dare to become their best self through fitness, self care, and goal setting!
Nika's Tips & Tricks
-Coconut Oil for Pre-Pooing to keep curls shiny and soft.
-Auntie Jackie's Leave-In for Hydration and Moisture.
-Mini Twists for Protective Styles to promote healthy hair growth.
-Deep Condition weekly for healthy, strong, and more defined curls.

Follow her on YouTube: Nika Gocha & on Instagram @_nikagocha